Labour & Employment
Labour & Employment Litigation
The firm’s Labour and Employment practice has extensive experience in labour and employment litigation proceedings. In this respect our attorneys represent all types of employers, including large-scale and multi-national companies and corporations, both in the private and public sectors, and in a wide range of industries, in complex legal disputes and particularly in proceedings conducted in the Israeli Labour Courts and other courts (including petitions to the Supreme Court) as well as arbitration and mediation proceedings.
The litigation cases in which the department is involved are, in most cases, complex cases which raise important and substantive questions and have significant monetary implications as well as implications on many different industries. These cases regularly involve discussions with government entities, such as the Supervisor of Wages at the Ministry of Finance, and other entities in the private sector, such as Employers' organizations. The department also assists local Trade Unions with crisis management (in the pre-litigation stage), including throughout initial unionizations.
The department's team members represent and are involved in numerous and varied litigation proceedings in the Labour courts (as well as in other courts), including:
- Individual lawsuits;
- Collective labour disputes, including temporary proceedings that involve strikes and sanctions;
- Class actions;
- Proceedings involving tenders for open positions, including senior positions and tenders for comprehensive manpower services;
- Lawsuits by contractor employees, manpower employees and consultants;
- Proceedings involving termination of employment, including in relation to senior managers;
- Proceedings involving employee transfers to competing companies;
- Proceedings involving employer responsibility for the prevention of sexual harassment at the workplace;
- Proceedings involving questions of equal opportunities and equal rights for individuals with disabilities;
- Proceedings involving questions regarding pensions (both in relation to budgetary pension agreements and accumulative pension agreements);
- Proceedings involving issues of private international law issues (including the applicability of a certain foreign law);
- Proceedings involving questions in relation to foreign workers employed in Israel and relocation of employees abroad.
Labour & Employment Litigation News & Insights
Dear Clients and friends, We are pleased to present you with our quarterly update for Q1 of 2024, which
Israeli Employment Law – Did you Know? Gender Wage Gaps – Upcoming Reporting Obligation
Our team is looking forward to 2024, and we are confident that our new partners, the majority of whom are
We are happy to introduce our new partners
We are delighted to announce that in this year’s BDICode ranking, we are ranked in the top-tier in no less
Herzog is ranked by BDi Code as the top tier in 38 practice areas for 2023
Happy Holidays! Wishing you and your loved ones health and happiness in the new year. May 2023 be an extraordinary
Happy Holidays !
We want to thank you all for tackling the challenges of 2020 with us and hope that in 2021 we
Have a Happy and Healthy New Year 2021
Dear Clients and Colleagues, Following the restrictions that were imposed as of September 25, 2020, which prevented the opening and
Easing of Restrictions
As you know, Israel continues its efforts to deal with the Corona Virus and contain it, to avoid its spreading
Handling the Corona Virus- Live Updates
Dear Colleagues and clients, We wish to update you of a new and fundamental ruling by the National Labour Court,
Requirement to Conduct a Hearing for Contractor Employees
Union representatives at the Ashdod Port announced a labour dispute, in which they declared their intention to strike in protest
Beer Sheva Labour Court Issues Injunction Against Planned Ashdod Port Walkout
Moria Tam-Harshoshanim
Class Actions, Employee Incentive Schemes, Labour & Employment, Labour & Employment Law, Labour & Employment Litigation
Meira Friedman Arbel
Employee Incentive Schemes, Labour & Employment, Labour & Employment Law, Labour & Employment Litigation
Shay Barak
Employee Incentive Schemes, Labour & Employment, Labour & Employment Litigation
Nachum Lamm
Corporate, Labour & Employment, Labour & Employment Litigation, Mergers & Acquisitions
Avishag Kaspit Pashay
Employee Incentive Schemes, Labour & Employment, Labour & Employment Law, Labour & Employment Litigation
Hadar Elor-Nissani
Labour & Employment, Labour & Employment Law, Labour & Employment Litigation
Hofit Cahana-Ruach
Labour & Employment, Labour & Employment Law, Labour & Employment Litigation
Michal Haberfeld
Labour & Employment, Labour & Employment Law, Labour & Employment Litigation
Haya Ehrman
Class Actions, Labour & Employment, Labour & Employment Law, Labour & Employment Litigation
Dikla Hozainov Yehuda
Labour & Employment, Labour & Employment Law, Labour & Employment Litigation
Chagai Vered
Class Actions, Labour & Employment, Labour & Employment Law, Labour & Employment Litigation
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