Technology and Regulation Blog
Herzog's Technology and Regulation department is industry spotlight blog discuss technological regulatory and compliance considerations in numerous areas.
These include privacy and data protection, cybersecurity, artificial intelligence law, computer and software protection, mobile and other app marketplaces compliance.
Specifically in the industries of adtech and online advertising, quality media and traffic, content, social networks and user generated content platforms, digital transformation, app monetization, financial technology, and other e-Commerce related operations.
We are pleased to highlight below some key regulatory developments and events from the recent months, affecting various sectors in

Fintech Regulatory Updates
By Ariel Yosefi and Yuval Ram In just 4 months, effective 28 June 2025, the European Accessibility Act (“EAA”)

The European Accessibility Act: Key Considerations for E-Commerce Providers
The New York Assembly and Senate have passed the New York Health Information Privacy Act (the “Act”), establishing a comprehensive

New York Legislature Passes the Health Information Privacy Act
On 16 January 2025, the Federal Trade Commission (“FTC”) announced the finalization of a significant revision to the Children’s Online

FTC Implements Major Revisions to Children’s Online Privacy Protection Rule
Last week, the European Data Protection Board (“EDPB”) has adopted an opinion on the use of personal data for the

EDPB Adopted Opinion on Personal Data in Developing and Deploying AI Models
The legal landscape surrounding data protection in the United States has undergone significant changes over the past couple of years.

Herzog’s Comparative Guide on Key Rights in US States Privacy Laws – December 2024
The UK Online Safety Act (“Act”) has entered its implementation phase. On 16 December 2024, Ofcom, the UK communications regulator,

The UK Online Safety Act – Ofcom Releases First Set of Regulatory Guidelines
Dear clients and friends, We are pleased to highlight below some key regulatory developments and events from the recent months,

Fintech Regulatory Updates
The Federal Trade Commission (“FTC”) recently announced final amendments to its trade rule, titled the “Rule Concerning Recurring Subscriptions and

The US Tightens Regulatory Requirements on Recurring Payments Programs
California is poised to lead the nation in regulating artificial intelligence with several major bills awaiting the Governor’s signature. The

AI Governance in California: Pioneering New Safety Standards
We previously reported on a growing litigation trend in the United States, as social gaming casinos and sweepstakes operators have