Media Centre

American Express acquires 100% of the issued shares of Nipendo Ltd.

18 January 2023

It is our pleasure to inform you that our client, American Express, has signed an agreement to acquire 100% of the issued shares of Nipendo Ltd., a company automating and streamlining business-to-business payment processes worldwide!

We would like to thank our partners Yair Geva, Asaf Nahum, Shachar Porat, Maayan Hammer-Tzeelon, Amir Cooper, Ofer Granot, Dafna Amster Kahn and Tslil Bar Bainvol, as well as our associates Ben Pask, Dor Marinovsky, Fanny Elgrably, Olga Pery, Anna Landau, Shadan Jabareen, Roni Zis, Yara Ayoub, Daniela Nitzan (Finkelstein), Daniel Rosenblatt, Noam Tzur, Guy Cohen, Yali Gutman, Dor Furer and interns Yuval Shitrit, Tiferet F., Shir Ben David Vaknin, David Bernat and Asaf Saar for their hard work.