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The Complete EU-US Data Protection Laws Playbook

13 June 2022

Dear clients and friends,

The European GDPR came into force 4 years ago, and introduced a new comprehensive data protection regime affecting companies all over the world.

Until recently, the only comprehensive consumer data protection law in the United States was the California Consumer Privacy Act (“CCPA”). However, a growing number of US state legislators have been adopting similar data protection regulatory regimes, many of which are the following laws which are coming into effect next year:

  • The significant amendment to the CCPA – the California Consumer Privacy Act;
  • The Virginia Consumer Data Protection Act;
  • The Colorado Privacy Act; and
  • The Utah Consumer Privacy Act.


The rise of various states’ data protection acts requires companies processing personal data on a global basis to change their regional regulatory approach and adopt a more uniform approach addressing their data protection regulatory obligations in the EU and the United States.

To assist with that, we are pleased to present our Complete EU v. US Data Protection Laws Playbook, which provides a general comparison between the relevant concepts and requirements in the aforementioned enacted 4 US data protection laws, in addition to the GDPR, consequently assisting in forming global data protection management policies and procedures.

For the full playbook >> click here

Our team has gained a unique worldwide specialization in data protection and privacy legal, regulatory, and other practical aspects. We are studying the upcoming US data protection laws since their initial drafting and are well-prepared for  assisting our clients with the process ahead. Please feel free to approach us with any questions you may have regarding these issues.

Kind regards,

Ariel Yosefi | Partner
Head of Technology & eCommerce Regulation
Herzog Fox & Neeman