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Herzog Fox & Neeman Represented Aspire Global in Its Initial Public Offering and Listing of Its Shares on Nasdaq First North

6 July 2017

Herzog Fox & Neeman represented Aspire Global, an online gaming company, in its initial public offering (IPO) and listing of its shares on Nasdaq First North. The company and its shareholders plan to sell approximately $43 million worth of shares (including over-allotment). The first day of trading is planned to be July 7, 2017, and settlement is expected July 11, 2017.

Herzog Fox & Neeman assisted in regulatory, tax and capital market matters and was involved in drafting the prospectus, conducting due diligence, assisting in corporate governance matters, negotiating the relevant agreements and providing opinions.

Gil White, Ron Ben-Menachem, Yehoshua Shohat Gurtler, Daniel Lipman Lowbeer, Yuval Navot, Itai Sarfaty and Pini Shriki Herstic worked on this unique project.

Other law firms involved in this matter:

  • Baker & McKenzie Stockholm, as Swedish counsel;
  • WH Partners as Maltese counsel;
  • Roscheir as sponsor’s counselPareto Securities served as Sponsor.

To read the full article – click here.