

China Practice

Herzog Fox & Neeman has extensive experience in China and is attuned to the opportunities and challenges of engaging in cross-border, cross-cultural business matters.

Herzog Fox & Neeman is the law firm of choice for Israeli and Israel-related clients doing business abroad. The firm’s capabilities in assisting its Israeli and Israel-related clients to do business in China are particularly well-regarded in terms of the firm’s breadth and depth of understanding, whether the assistance is in relation to transactional work or ongoing commercial matters. Our outbound China practice specializes in particular in providing support for businesses engaged in the pharma, medical device, fintech, TMT (technology, media and telecom), and mobile technology industries.

The firm also has significant experience representing its China based clients in inbound transactions from China and jurisdictions into Israel, in the areas of hi-tech, consumer electronics, semiconductors, life sciences and biotech. The firm continues to work with Hutchison Whampoa Limited, HSBC, SingTel, Exim Bank of China, Horizons Ventures Ltd. (the investment arm of Li Ka Shing), as well as various other leading regional and global institutions.

Herzog Fox & Neeman is listed in the “China Outbound M&A TOP 20 international law firms (by accumulated deal value)”, which was compiled in association with the international M&A market researcher mergermarket.

Recognising that every jurisdiction within China is unique in both its business and cultural environment, Herzog Fox & Neeman takes a customised approach to legal matters by combining its extensive and proven international expertise with top local talent.

China Practice News & Insights

Yair Geva


Hi Tech, Mergers & Acquisitions

Miri Wang


Corporate, Hi Tech

Gilad Majerowicz


Commercial, Corporate, Hi Tech, Intellectual Property

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