Media Centre


21 March 2023

The IFIE, Greeneye, Value², Elah Fund & Herzog invite you to the Israel launch event for the – UN supported Principles for Responsible Investment (PRI).
The PRI is the world’s leading proponent of responsible investment, with over 5300+ signatories around the world and $120 trillion AUM.

Please join us for a professional workshop on how to apply PRI tools in investment risk management strategy.

09:00-09:30 Breakfast

09:30-09:35 Opening remarks
Dr. Ruth Dagan, Partner, Head of Environment & Climate Change, Herzog

09:35-10:00 “Introduction to the PRI”
Eline Sleurink, Head of UK & Ireland and Middle East, Signatory Relations at the PRI

10:00-10:30 “The PRI’s blueprint vision: responsible investors, sustainable markets and a prosperous world for all”
Nathan Fabian, Chief Responsible Investment and Signatory Relations Officer at the PRI

10:30-11:00 PRI in action: 3 case studies
Noga Levtzion Nadan, Managing Partner in Value2 The Responsible Investment House, CEO and Founder of Greeneye ,ESG Research company
Calanit Valfer, Managing Partner at Elah Fund
Cecile Blilious, Head of Impact & Sustainability at Pitango Venture Capital

11:00-11:20 Coffee Break

11:30-13:30 Breakout session 1:
Institutional engagement through strategic ESG.

Breakout Session 2: PRI Reporting as road map for ESG integration.