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Congratulation to Beehero for raising $4M to develop a “smart hive”

4 June 2020

The bees’ place in our ecosystem is more significant than you might think, and the climate change puts them in danger.
That’s why our partners at BeeHero are developing a “Smart Beehive” that helps farmers to monitor the bees in their fields and corps.

Beehero’s product is innovative and adds technology to the way beekeepers monitor the bee-hives, provide them new insights about the bees behaviors and saves them hours of manual work.
We are very proud of the Herzog Fox & Neeman team, led by, Hanan Haviv, head of high-tech practice, and his associates Batell Vallentine Blaish-Sultanik and Nuphar Gafny-Rubin, who assisted the company to secure a seed funding of 4M$.

For the full the article in Geektime  >> click here