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Yael (Neeman) Bar-Shai
Yael has more than extensive 25-year experience both in the corporate and the real estate fields.
- In the real estate area, Yael deals with various real estate transactions, including long-term and short-term leases, in the commercial and industrial fields, and specializes in construction of large-scale complex projects, as well as infrastructure development projects, such as highways, medical centers and water desalination facilities, advising clients from both the private and public sectors from the initial bidding process through financial closing, erection of the project and ongoing operation after completion.
- Yael is highly experienced in design and construction agreements, tenders for selection of contractors, negotiation with contractors, EPC and O&M agreements, advising developers in disagreements with contractors during construction and towards completion and negotiation with municipal and governmental entities.
- Among the projects Yael was involved in are the Assuta Ashdod Hospital which was recently opened, the west wing of the Rambam Medical Center in Haifa (which includes a 60,000 sq. underground armored parking facility to be used in emergencies as an emergency hospital), Highway 431 which was built by Danya Cebus, Palmachim sea-water desalination facility, high-voltage electricity sub-stations built by Israel Electric Corporation for the Palestinian Authority, Azrieli Center in Tel-Aviv built by the developer David Azrieli and large-scale leases of hi-tech companies, including customized construction works.
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Yael spent 1997-1998 abroad at a leading New York law firm working in the areas of Securities and Corporate Law.
- Israel Bar Association, 1991
- Hebrew University, Jerusalem, Israel, LL.B