Contact Info
Moran Yemini (Dr.)
Moran represents and advises major international and local clients in various fields of practice, focusing primarily on defending class actions, complex litigation, arbitration, and administrative law.
Moran’s experience includes representation before the Israeli Supreme Court, international arbitration tribunals and other judicial and quasi-judicial entities, including handling of regulatory matters vis-à-vis governmental entities.
Moran also served as Law Clerk and Assistant Legal Advisor to the Honorable Tova Strasberg-Cohen of the Israeli Supreme Court (2002-2003).
Contact Info
- Israel, 2003
- Haifa University, Israel, Ph.D
- Tel Aviv University, Israel, MA (Political Science) (magna cum laude), 2009
- New York University School of Law, USA, LL.M., 2007; Vanderbilt Scholar
- Tel Aviv University, Israel, LL.B (magna cum laude), 2002
- Tel Aviv University, Israel, BA (Communications) (magna cum laude), 2001
1. Missing in "State Action": Toward a Pluralist Conception of the First Amendment, 23 LEWIS & CLARK L. REV. 1149 (2020).
2. The New Irony of Free Speech, 20 COLUM. SCI. & TECH. L. REV. 119 (2018).
3. Media Concentration and Ownership in Israel, in WHO OWNS THE WORLD'S MEDIA: MEDIA CONCENTRATION AND OWNERSHIP AROUND THE WORLD 942 (Eli M. Noam ed., 2016) (with Amit Schejter).
4. "A Time to Scatter Stones and a Time to Gather Them:" Electronic Media Industries Concentration Trends in Israel 1984-2008, 39 TELECOMM. POL'Y 112 (2015) (with Amit Schejter).
5. Conflictual Moralities, Ethical Torture: Revisiting the Problem of Dirty Hands, 17 ETHICAL THEORY & MORAL PRAC. 163 (2014).
6. “Eyes Have They, But They See Not”: Israeli Election Laws, Freedom of Expression, and the Need for Transparent Speech, 14 COMM. L. & POL’Y 411 (2009) (with Amit Schejter).
7. Mandated Network Neutrality and the First Amendment: Lessons from Turner and a New Approach, 13 VA. J. L. & TECH. 1 (2008).
8. ‘Justice, and Only Justice You Shall Pursue’: Network Neutrality, the First Amendment and John Rawls’s Theory of Justice, 14 MICH. TELECOMM. & TECH. L. REV. 137 (2007) (with Amit Schejter).