Our latest news, insights & events
Happy Holidays! Wishing you and your loved ones health and happiness in the new year. May 2023 be an extraordinary

Happy Holidays !
Dear Clients and Colleagues, We would like to draw your attention to that on 29 November, 2022, the Israeli Ministry

Clients Update – Transfer of Data to Israel from the European Economic Area
Dear clients and colleagues, We wish to update you that on November 20, 2022, the Protection of Privacy Authority (the

The Protection of Privacy Authority’s recommendations regarding disclosure of medical data in employee hiring process
Dear Clients, Colleagues and Friends, The Tel Aviv District Court issued a new ruling in the tax appeal filed by

Valuating IP that is Transferred Out of Israel – New Tel Aviv District Court Ruling
Dear friends and colleagues, On August 15, 2022, the Israel Tax Authority (“ITA”) published guidelines regarding non-profit organizations that bid

Non-profit organizations will need to obtain approval from the Israel Tax Authority (VAT) to participate in government tenders as non-profit organizations
Dear clients and friends, We would like to bring to your attention that on the 7th of September, the Finance

New Regulations for the Supervision of Financial Services (Regulated Financial Services) (Exemption from the licensing obligation) 2022
Dear Clients, Friends and Colleagues, On September 7th, the Finance Committee of the Knesset (the Israeli Parliament) finalized the approval

Israel: Master File Requirements Finalized; Changes to Local File
Dear Clients, Friends and Colleagues, We are writing to update you on two recent significant developments regarding the taxation of

Taxation of Transfer of Israeli Real Estate to a Trust
Dear clients and friends, The Law for the Reduction in Use of Cash, 2018 (the “Law” or the “Cash Law”)

Reduction In Amounts Permitted to be Paid in Cash as of August 1, 2022
Dear Clients and Friends, On 12th July 2022, after a number of amendments and delays, the Criminal Information and Rehabilitation

The Criminal Information and Rehabilitation of Offenders Law-2019
Dear clients and friends, We wish to update you that the Israeli Parliament has passed a comprehensive amendment (“Amendment no.