Our latest news, insights & events
Dear Clients and Colleagues, We would like to bring to your attention that the Equal Employment Opportunities Commission (EEOC) has

Guidelines by the Equal Employment Opportunities Commission in preparation for the publication of the Annual Wage Gap Reports
Dear clients and colleagues, Further to our previous clients update on December 7, 2022, we wish to update you that on May

Transfer of Data to Israel from the European Economic Area
Dear Clients and Friends, We are pleased to present you with our second quarterly update for 2023 ! This time,

What do you know about Israeli employment law? Prevention of Sexual Harassment
Dear friends and clients, Further to our client update from February 26, 2023, we would like to bring to your

Foreign Residents’ B2C VAT Liability with respect to Importation of Digital Services to Israel – Removed from the 2023-2024 Budget Legislation
Dear Clients and Colleagues, In time for Spring, we would like to share the following recent updates in the field

Labour & Employment Legal Updates
Dear clients and colleagues, We would like to bring to your attention that on 27 March 2023, the Economic Plan

The Regulation of Payment and Payment Initiation Services Bill has been Approved by the Knesset in the First Reading
The Bank of Israel has issued a framework providing international payment service providers access to regulated payment systems in Israel

International payment service providers are provided access to Israeli payments systems
Dear friends and clients, We would like to update you about a new memorandum of law regarding the provision of

Foreign Residents’ VAT Liability with respect to Importing Digital Services to Israel – New Memorandum of Law Published in the Context of the 2023-2024 Budget Talks
Dear Clients, As one of our clients, we would be pleased to advise you and review your annual Arnona invoice,

Start Up – Arnona Down
Dear friends and colleagues, As part of the 2023-2024 budgetary legislation process, the Israeli Government published on February 16, 2023,

Significant Proposed Change in Tax Litigation Proceedings in Israel – Taxpayers will have to Pay 30% of the Tax in Dispute upon Filing Tax Appeals in Court
Dear Friends, Clients and Colleagues, The Israeli Supreme Court issued its long-awaited ruling in the Beit Hosen appeal bringing an