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Herzog Fox & Neeman is Proud of another Successful Registration of a Foreign Fund in Israel

3 May 2018

We are delighted to inform you that Herzog advised BlackRock, one of the world’s most prominent fund managers, in the registration of its first foreign fund in Israel, harnessing the unique knowledge the firm’s lawyers possess in such procedures. In December 2017, our firm advised in the first-ever registration of two foreign funds in Israel; this registrations marks the third foreign fund registered in Israel.

As of this update, we are the only law firm in Israel to successfully complete a foreign fund registration in Israel, in a cutting-edge procedure made possible due to a regulatory reform lead by the Israel Securities Authority.

The registration of these funds in Israel highlights the ever-growing interest of leading international fund managers in offering their products to investors in Israel.

Herzog Partner Liat Maidler, together with Associate Stav Harel, both specialising in the fields of investment management and foreign funds, represented and advised BlackRock throughout this process.

Please do not hesitate to contact us with any questions, or if you require any clarification regarding the above matter.


Ilanit Landesman-Yogev | Partner

Head of Capital Markets and Securities Practice

+972-3-6922091 |

Natalie Jacobs | Partner

Head of Derivatives and Structure Products Practice

+972-3-6925520 |

Liat Maidler | Partner

Capital Markets and Securities Practice

+972-3-6922871 |