Lital Wolfovitz


Lital is a member in the real estate and planning and construction department of the firm. As part of her work, lital accompanies complex real estate transactions with leading companies in the market, including sales and rental transactions of income-producing real estate, contracting agreements with contractors, consultants and other service providers.

lital has unique expertise in income-producing real estate lease projects, and is the focal point person for the rental sector, in its various branches, in the firm. Lital provides ongoing legal advice and services to shopping centers, malls and office complexes of leading companies in the market, including with respect to locating and establishing office complexes and managing lease transactions.


Lital manages and leads various types of contract negotiations and transactions in the field of income-producing real estate, from the early stages and until consummation of the transactions, and thereafter provides ongoing legal support to accommodate the various needs of the client.

In addition, Lital represents a large government hospital, provides ongoing legal services to nonprofit organizations that have been established for the advancement and development of the hospital, and is a member of the Transactions Committee of these organizations. In this context, Lital provides ongoing legal advice and services on a broad range of matters related to the construction and expansion of the medical campus, including participation in large-scale construction and systems projects, from the tender phase, throughout the planning, execution and construction stages. This also includes, managing the contractual arrangements with contractors, consultants, supervisors and other service providers, providing ongoing legal services relating to various engagements with third parties required for the benefit of the hospital. In addition, Lital provides ongoing legal advice and services for cooperation agreements, handling various financing aspects required for the implementation of such projects, as well as assistance in regulatory proceedings with governmental bodies, municipal authorities, including being in contact with Planning and Construction Authorities.

Lital Wolfovitz
  • Israel Bar Association, 2011
  • Haifa University, Israel, BA (Economics) (magna cum laude), 2010
  • Haifa University, Israel, LL.B (magna cum laude), 2010