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Special Client Update | Developments in US Privacy Legislation: Practical Overview and Implication

18 October 2019

In tandem with global attention focused upon tightening data protection issues, several legislators and stakeholders in the US have reached the understanding that in today’s economic and technological environment, certain gaps in legislation, especially in comparison with EU legislation (in particular the GPDR), must be bridged.

Recent (often vociferous) calls from the public, research institutions, private corporations and elected officials are being heard, and in some states, have led to new data protection and privacy legislation being enacted, and experts believe we are only on the cusp of this regulatory wave.

The new trend (see our related updates here and here) has been subject to different interpretations by various US states (so far California, Colorado, New York, Ohio and Vermont), and unless federal legislation is enacted soon, the regulatory map is expected to become even more diverse and challenging.

The attached overview was prepared by Dan Shalev from our Technology & Regulation Department in order to assist our clients and friends in navigating in this new regulatory sea.

Click here for the full update.