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Changes to the Environmental Treatment of Electric and Electronic Equipment and Batteries Law

29 July 2024

Dear clients,

We would like to inform you of the recent changes to the Environmental Treatment of Electric and Electronic Equipment and Batteries Law, 2012 (hereinafter: the Law). This update includes important information regarding the recognition of new implementation entities and the implications of these changes for clients who have contracted with the Ecommunity Corporation, as detailed below.


Recognition of Recognized Implementation Entities (RIEs)

Every five years, Recognized Implementation Entities (RIEs) are recognized in accordance with the Law, and the Ministry of Environmental Protection (hereinafter: the Ministry) updates the conditions for the implementation of the Law. On July 14, 2024, the Ministry announced the beginning of a new recognition period for RIEs under the Law. Starting July 13, 2024, and for the next five years, the M.a.i Corporation and the T.m.i Corporation have been recognized as RIEs, while the recognition of the Ecommunity Corporation, which was valid until that date, was not renewed.

The M.a.i Corporation and the T.m.i Corporation are required to operate according to the new recognition conditions, which were designed to improve the implementation of the Law in several aspects, including: improved public service in electronic waste collection, improved distribution of dedicated bins in the local municipalities, improved “take back” mechanisms for returning and collecting old equipment after purchasing new equipment at no cost, curbside collection at regular intervals and paid collection from customers’ homes, setting targets for increased collection of electronic waste and waste batteries from households, improved public communication, improved monitoring and control of the collected waste and setting standards for the proper recycling of collected and treated electronic waste and waste batteries, according to the standard of the European Committee for Electrotechnical Standardization (CENELEC).


Implications of the Changes for Entities that Contracted with Ecommunity

The Ministry has called on all manufacturers, importers, and distributors of electric and electronic equipment and batteries to contract with one of the RIEs (M.a.i or T.m.i) in accordance with the new recognition conditions.

Guidelines for Manufacturers and Importers:

Generally, the period during which manufacturers and importers can transfer between RIEs occurs once a year, for the following year, for a period of 30 days (between November and December). The new recognition conditions have established a one-time, unusually long, transition period, which will begin on July 15, 2024 and end on December 15, 2024.

It is important to finalize the contract as soon as possible to avoid being subject to enforcement proceedings for failure to contract. The transition periods are as follows:

  • July 15, 2024 to August 31, 2024 – The transfer of manufacturers and importers will be retroactive from July 13, 2024, and they will not be subject to enforcement proceedings for failure to contract.
  • September 1, 2024 to December 15, 2024 – The transfer of manufacturers and importers will be effective from January 1, 2025 (i.e., it will only apply for the following year, 2025).

Guidelines for Distributors: The Ministry has recommended that distributors of electric and electronic equipment contract with one of the RIEs to ensure that they receive funding for the service they provide which allows customers to hand over electric and electronic equipment waste at the time of sale or supply without charge and to ensure that the waste is transferred for recycling in accordance with the law.


Our firm will gladly assist you in the process of contracting with an RIE, in accordance with the Law and with the new recognition conditions.


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