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Herzog Fox & Neeman advised Kerogen Capital with its investment in Energean Israel for the planned USD 1.3 billion development of the Karish and Tanin gas fields

16 February 2017

Herzog Fox & Neeman advised Kerogen Capital, a private equity fund manager specialising in the international oil and gas sector, in connection with its USD 50million investment in Energean Israel  for the planned USD 1.3billion development of the Karish and Tanin gas fields. Energean Israel is the operator and holds 100% of the lease hold interests in the Karish and Tanin gas fields, acquired from the Delek Group in December 2016. The investment remains subject to receipt of all required Israeli governmental approvals, following which  Kerogen will own a 50% interest in Energean Israel.

The transaction was led by Mark Phillips, partner in the Project Finance department.